Thursday 1 September 2011

iPhone 5

Unfortunately we haven't been privelaged enough to have a nobhead this year who leaves the new iPhone in a pub toilet for someone to find and then sell it to gizmodo so we have no idea what it's going to be like!

Aslong as I can have a phone call with someone whilst holding it in my left hand I'll be most likely switching from my Gammyberry Bold 9700 to an iPhone this year.

Looking forward to finding out more in the months to come so I can write a review!

Until then....


Xbox 720 ????

So I've been thinking about what Microsoft will be doing to their "new" console that is rumoured to be released in 2012...and I have no idea what they might even consider doing.

What can Microsoft do to improve the Xbox 360 and why would they change it after recently releasing the new slim range?

There's no point in putting a Blueray drive before all you PS3 users pipe Xbox 360 users don't want to end up like you PS3 "gamers" out there that get all excited when purchasing a new release title like Gran Turismo, only to take it home, put it in the PS3 and then be forced to wait at LEAST 30 minutes before it even thinks about letting you play it.

So what can they do? Well if you have any idea then please let me know because I have fuck all clue! Which leads me to the conclusion of what's the point in a new console!

How about they just make Xbox live cheaper for us all...cheers

Nuff Said


Tuesday 2 February 2010

iPad.....why? By Fatalis10

Apple unveils the iPad!..... Nobody cares, apart from wankers with to much money. Despite being basically pointless to anyone with an iPhone and a laptop, it's a pretty serious piece of kit. With a 1ghz high performance processer, up to 64gb of internal memory and a 9.7inch finger mark proof led touch screen, all of which is hugely impresive but still pointless, as a macbook is still quite clearly better in everyway. So there u go. Normal people steer clear. This piece of tech is for the retards that sit in Starbucks and publicly write on there laptops like wankers. As if we give a shit what porn site your on!!!

Welcome to the The Gadget Show, only without Suzi Perry.......sorry.

Post #1 for 2010 on Games & Tech.
First things first the xbox 360 is quite clearly better then the rip-off piece a shit ps3. Period
If u have any objections or comments please do keep them to yourself.