Thursday 1 September 2011

Xbox 720 ????

So I've been thinking about what Microsoft will be doing to their "new" console that is rumoured to be released in 2012...and I have no idea what they might even consider doing.

What can Microsoft do to improve the Xbox 360 and why would they change it after recently releasing the new slim range?

There's no point in putting a Blueray drive before all you PS3 users pipe Xbox 360 users don't want to end up like you PS3 "gamers" out there that get all excited when purchasing a new release title like Gran Turismo, only to take it home, put it in the PS3 and then be forced to wait at LEAST 30 minutes before it even thinks about letting you play it.

So what can they do? Well if you have any idea then please let me know because I have fuck all clue! Which leads me to the conclusion of what's the point in a new console!

How about they just make Xbox live cheaper for us all...cheers

Nuff Said


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